Within Britain there are six species of native terrestrial reptile. Common lizard, grass snake, slow worm and adder are generally widespread whilst smooth snake and sand lizard, which have more restricted distributions, are rare. All common reptile species are partially protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).
This legislation protects these animals from Intentional killing and injury. Rare reptiles (sand lizard and smooth snake) receive additional legal protection under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. Common reptiles can be found in a variety of habitats including rural and urban areas. Where suitable habitat is present on a development site the presence / absence of reptiles should be determined with seven surveys completed from April to October.
Where reptiles are present on land that is to be affected by development, animals will need to be protected from injury or killing and mitigation should be provided to maintain the conservation status of the species locally and ensure compliance with wildlife legislation.
FPCR ecologists have a wealth of experience in reptile survey methods and mitigation and can usually help in finding a pragmatic solution where required.
Our services include:
- Desk and field based scoping / constraints surveys throughout the year.
- Presence / Absence surveys using standard methodologies comprising the monitoring / checking of natural and artificially placed refuge material over a number of survey visits.
- Reporting of field surveys including the design of detailed mitigation and compensation strategies, Risk Assessments in relation to proposed operations, Working Method Statements.
- Liaison with planning authorities and consultees on potential impacts and proposed mitigation strategies.
- Implementation of all aspects of proposed mitigation and compensation using specialist reptile Ecological Clerks of Works.