
Badgers (Meles meles) are common and widespread throughout the UK and are found in both urban and rural environments. As a result of many years of persecution, badgers and their setts are protected under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and under Schedule 6 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) in England, Scotland and Wales.

As such, this means it is an offence to: intentionally capture, kill or injure a badger; damage, destroy or block access to a sett; disturb badgers in their setts or treat a badger cruelly.

We have a highly experienced team of ecologists that can provide support and expertise to resolve any potential issues or conflicts involving badgers. Our skilled team can undertake a range of badger surveys to determine the presence of setts and other field signs which indicate the use of an area by this species. In cases where works are likely to impact a badger group’s territory/or a sett we are able to undertake the appropriate surveys to determine the territorial configuration of badger social groups and inform a suitable mitigation and compensation approach.

If an active badger sett is identified on site, a licence from Natural England may be required when the sett is to be damaged or disturbed, by noise or vibration for example. These are normally only granted between July and November and their early identification can therefore be important to avoid costly delays when work is required outside of this period.

Our team have extensive experience in obtaining licences and producing badger mitigation and compensation strategies as well as overseeing their implementation. We pride ourselves in our ability to accommodate the needs of our clients whilst ensuring the needs of this charismatic UK mammal are also met.

Our services include:

  • Desk and field based scoping / constraints surveys throughout the year.
  • Badger sett presence / absence and sett classification surveys throughout the year although these are undertaken optimally during the winter and spring.
  • Sett activity surveys optimally between March and October.
  • Remote monitoring surveys using infra-red (night vision) camera traps.
  • Badger bait marking surveys to determine the territorial configuration of badger clans.
  • Reporting of field surveys including the design of detailed mitigation and compensation strategies, Risk Assessments in relation to proposed operations, Working Method Statements.
  • Liaison with planning authorities and consultees on potential impacts and proposed mitigation strategies.
  • Production of licence application documents.
  • Ability to utilise the new badger class licence system where appropriate
  • Implementation of all aspects of proposed mitigation using specialist badger Ecological Clerks of Works.
  • Permanent and temporary closure of setts under licence.
  • Creation of artificial badger setts in conjunction with specialist contractors.