Phase 1 and 2
Extended Phase 1 Habitats surveys (often called scoping surveys) can aid in assessing the importance of habitats and are useful for identifying whether a species-specific survey is needed. A broad scope is vital to take-in all basic components which may be affected by a proposed development.
The results of these surveys can then be used in the decision-making process to understand whether further more detailed Phase 2 habitat or protected species surveys might be required. As many Phase 2 surveys are seasonally restricted it is vital to complete the Extended Phase 1 Habitat survey early to avoid the potential for delay.
FPCR ecologists have a broad range of skills refined over many years of professional experience dealing with the individual requirements of varied projects from small housing developments to renewable energy schemes and larger multi-use schemes. The botanical expertise of our ecologists, which includes the survey of both higher (vascular) and lower plants (mosses and liverworts), is shared over a network of offices facilitating these services throughout the UK.
Using botanical survey data and accounting for the complex requirements of a development we can formulate bespoke mitigation solutions appropriate to our clients’ individual needs.
Our services include:
- Preliminary scoping / constraints survey and due diligence walkover survey
- Phase 1 habitat assessment (individual sites and at landscape scale) including hedgerow assessments using the standardised Hedgerow Evaluation and Grading System (HEGS)
- Extended Phase 1 Habitat Assessment to include the identification of or potential for protected and notable species
- More detailed Phase 2 surveys including mapping of NVC plant communities and Hedgerow Regulations assessment
- Monitoring plant communities to determine impacts of targeted management or environmental factors
- Phase 3 surveys of plant colonies including rare and uncommon or specially protected species
Hedgerows are nature’s highways by which wildlife moves through the land. Hedgerows are important for foraging, sheltering, nesting and hibernating for a range of wildlife including often rare/ threatened species, such as dormouse, brown hairstreak and yellowhammer.