Ecological Clerk of Works
FPCR is proud to provide a range of Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) services. The main aim of an ECoW is to ensure that clients remain compliant with legislation and planning conditions imposed by planning authorities and licensing bodies such as Natural England, Natural Resources Wales and Scottish Natural Heritage.
Our ECoW services can also ensure our clients and their contractors follow best practice guidelines to minimise the ecological impacts of any work. FPCR understands that a sensible approach is often needed to ensure the efficient delivery of works. We work closely with all our clients and aim to provide pragmatic solutions whilst following current wildlife legislation.
Over the years FPCR has successfully provided advice and guidance at various sites ranging from small residential dwellings to large scale developments at landscape level.
Our services include:
- Toolbox Talks in advance of construction operations.
- Site checks in compliance with SNCO licensed operations.
- Habitat creation supervision and management advice (including pond creation).
- Topsoil removal supervision.
- Destructive searches.
- Protected species capture and relocation (including newts and reptiles).
- Vegetation clearance supervision.
- Nesting bird checks.
- Landscape profiling and planting supervision.
- Advice and support on protected species.
- Arboricultural advice in relation to bats.