Invasive Plants Surveys
An invasive plant species is a plant that is not native to a specific location, an introduced species, which has a tendency to spread and can cause damage to the environment, including in some cases buildings, roads and other structures. They can also outcompete indigenous flora sometimes reducing biodiversity.
Many of these species are listed in Schedule 9 of the Wildlife Act and, while you’re not legally obliged to remove these plants or to control them you, could be prosecuted for causing a private nuisance if you allow them to grow onto other people’s property or suffer damage to your own.
There are various control methods that are available including chemical, manual and mechanical treatment. For development purposes the eradication and/or removal of invasive species should be undertaken following strict Environment Agency guidelines, however, the control method chosen for a specific project will be dependent on budget and timescales. Our specialist team can provide the necessary advice to minimise the cost and impacts on the development.
Our services include:
- Field surveys to determine the presence/absence of invasive or Schedule 9 species,
- Reporting of field surveys including the design of detailed mitigation strategies, Risk Assessments in relation to proposed operations, Working Method Statements,
- Liaison with planning authorities and consultees on potential impacts and proposed mitigation strategies,
- Implementation of all aspects of proposed mitigation using specialist Ecological Clerks of Works.