Secretary of State grants consent for dwellings at Belper, Derbyshire

FPCR are delighted to have advised Wheeldon Brothers housebuilders of Derby on masterplanning, landscape, architecture, ecology and arboriculture matters for their site west of Belper Lane, Belper which has had two appeals allowed by the Secretary of State.

Two separate consents have been granted, one for 65 dwellings and a second for 118 dwellings. FPCR have been involved with the site since 2016 and Keith Nye provided expert evidence at appeal on Landscape and Visual matters.

Impact on the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site (WHS) and other heritage assets was a key consideration both for the masterplanning and architecture teams at FPCR and for the Secretary of State in determining the appeals. The site falls within the WHS buffer zone and adjacent to the edge of the WHS. It demanded a high-quality and well-considered scheme. A multi-disciplinary team from FPCR collaborated to appraise the local landscape/townscape and produce detailed housing layouts, design documents and detailed landscaping schemes for an extensive area of public open space. Photomontages were produced by FPCR, from key viewpoints, to help all parties understand the visual influence of the proposals.

FPCR look forward to supporting Wheeldon Brothers as they seek to discharge conditions in readiness for delivering the scheme.

The full decisions can be read here: