Another milestone has been reached for Stocksbridge Town Centre regeneration, as a planning application is submitted to Sheffield City Council for a striking new landmark building, which will form the first phase of the wider Towns Deal regeneration scheme.
Stocksbridge 519 will be home to a state-of-the art new library as well as community space, classrooms for post-16 learning, and managed workspace.
We have worked closely with CODA, the Stocksbridge Town Deal Board, Rider Levett Bucknall, ARUP and Sheffield City Council to deliver a high-quality public realm set around the building, incorporating external café space and rain gardens that will capture stormwater run-off, helping to minimise the risk of flooding.
The planning application for Stocksbridge 519 will be followed later in the spring with further applications for the new Town Square, car parking improvements, landscaping and shop front enhancements to the precinct area – all of which we are currently designing.