We are delighted that a proposed residential scheme at The Balk, Pocklington, has recently been approved at appeal. The scheme comprises up to 380 new homes, a 60-bed care home, day nursery and convenience store. On behalf of Gladman Developments Ltd, we provided masterplanning services, developing a Framework Plan and Illustrative Masterplan. Also supporting the application was a Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Design and Access Statement. We produced detailed plans for tree belts on the site peripheries with supporting section details to highlight the reduction in visibility of the scheme from the surrounding land. The proposed Green Infrastructure, equating to some 6 hectares, comprises formal and informal open spaces, including allotments, woodland belts, a community orchard, children’s play area, skate park, a multi use games area, connecting footpaths and cycleways and sustainable drainage ponds. FPCR also provided the ecological advice and an Arboricultural Assessment of the existing trees and hedgerows within the site.
The appeal decision can be downloaded on this link