Harborough District Council have recently granted planning consent for a new large scale strategic development at Lutterworth, Leicestershire.

Allocated in the adopted Local Plan, the project comprises 2,750 homes, a mix of B1, B2 and B8 employment land, two primary schools, a local centre, and an extensive green infrastructure framework. As part of the application, full planning approval is in place for a new Spine Road within the scheme, which includes a new road bridge over the M1 motorway.

FPCR were involved back in 2010, undertaking conceptual masterplanning and landscape and ecology work to assist with the allocation. FPCR were subsequently appointed by the applicant, Leicestershire County Council, in 2018, as the masterplanning and lead environmental consultants as part of the planning application.  FPCR have provided extensive urban design, landscape, ecology, and arboricultural services. A complex and challenging site, specific elements have included sensitively integrating Misterton Marshes SSSI and the River Swift into the development; enhancing pedestrian connectivity with Lutterworth; and maintaining intervisibility between the local churches of Lutterworth and Misterton.

The practice has provided a number of services to include:

  • Coordination and managing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process, which has included the preparation of an Environmental Statement (ES).
  • Masterplanning and urban design to include preparing an Illustrative Masterplan and a Design & Access Statement. A working Design Code has been prepared to develop the overall vision, together with the production of plot layouts, 3D modelling and street visualisations.
  • Preparing a Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), to include producing photo wire visualisations.
  • Undertaking extensive protected species surveys, alongside the production of an Ecological Assessment and a SSSI Management Plan. This has included close liaison and agreements with Natural England.
  • Arboricultural surveys and reporting, which has included tree retention plans and veteran tree analysis.
  • Local Plan EiP attendance and associated design and environmental support to secure the allocation; and
  • Producing Stakeholder Engagement Workshops and Public Consultation events, to include presentations to key stakeholders and councillors.


The Lutterworth project is featured as a main news article in the RTPI’s ‘The Planner’ magazine”