Our scheme at London Road Newington has gained consent following appeal, for up to 135 dwellings on behalf of Gladman developments.
We had previously worked on the site and had the scheme at appeal in 2017, where it was dismissed, the inspector considering the site formed part of a “valued landscape” . A number of changes had occurred since 2017, with Swale Borough Council producing a number of studies including a landscape sensitivity assessment and a review of landscape designations. The adopted Swale Local Plan now includes a specific policy on “valued landscapes”. The appeal site is not in an identified area as a “valued landscape.” Inspector Prentice at the 2023 appeal, considered that material considerations had changed since 2017, even though the site and scheme had changed little since 2017. The full decision can be read here.
This was the fourth appeal in Kent in 2023 where we gained consent for Gladman Developments