Appointed by Hallam Land Management Ltd, FPCR have helped to secure outline planning consent for 200 new homes in the centre of Evesham.
The site, which is allocated in the South Worcestershire Development Plan, presented a number of challenges such as its relationship with the River Avon, the Scheduled Abbot Chyryton’s Wall and the nearby Evesham Abbey. The project, which has included two previous planning applications, has been shaped through discussions and agreement with key stakeholders and statutory consultees.
Providing landscape, ecological and arboricultural services, FPCR have worked with the design team to create a sympathetic residential development. As well as delivering much needed new homes, the scheme at Boat Lane, includes new recreational routes and greenway corridors to the town, an extension to the Riverside Park, and a new Community Orchard.
FPCR prepared the Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment, Ecological Assessment and an Arboricultural Assessment as part of the project’s Environmental Statement. This has included developing Green Infrastructure Strategies and undertaking comprehensive ecological surveys for protected species.