Jane speaks on diversity at Landscape Institute Jellicoe lecture

Jane Fortescue

One of our Senior Landscape Architects, Jane Fortescue, was a Keynote Panellist for the Landscape Institute’s 2020 Jellicoe Lecture ‘Diversifying a Profession: an opportunity for change’. Jane was asked to take part due to her work as an LGBTQ+ advocate and as Co-Chair of the multi-disciplinary LGBTQ+ Network – Rainbow Places. Jane has been working with the Landscape Institute as a part of their Diversity and Inclusion group for a number of years and is a founding member of the LGBTQ+ network, along with Steve Roe one of our Principal Ecologists, here at FPCR.

Accompanying Jane on the panel was an impressive array of speakers, representing a number of minority groups that are underrepresented within the landscape industry.  The Landscape Institute are keen to promote the incredible value that having diversity within businesses brings to it both personally, for employees and professionally, as place makers.

As a company, we are keen to play our part in diversifying the profession, and ensure equal opportunities are available to all. We support the vital work that the Landscape Institute are doing in proactively addressing diversity.