Allocated for development within the Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan, Aylesbury Vale District Council have granted planning consent for 400 new homes on the edge of Buckingham.
Appointed by Hallam Land Management Ltd, FPCR have provided a full suite of design and environmental services. This included coordinating and managing the EIA, producing the scheme’s Masterplan, Design & Access Statement and Vision documents, and undertaking a LVIA, Ecology Appraisal and Arboricultural Assessment.
The development includes a series of community parks, avenues and greenspaces to provide a sensitive design response to a Scheduled Monument (St Rumbold’s Well) and the setting of Buckingham Church. The scheme follows on from FPCR’s long standing involvement at the nearby Windsor Park development. The principal phases of this 700 house scheme, which includes a new primary school and employment land, are now built, designed in accordance with FPCR’s Masterplan and Design Code.
For more information, please contact us.