An outline planning application has been submitted for a new urban extension to the east of Swindon.
Comprising some 2,380 dwellings together with a mixed use local centre, employment and primary schools, the application forms part of the wider ‘New Eastern Villages’ allocation, which is Swindon’s main growth area. Appointed by the East Swindon Consortium (Hallam Land Management, Hannick Homes and Taylor Wimpey), FPCR have provided comprehensive landscape, ecological and arboricultural services for this application, following on from our work as part of the previous 2013 application.
FPCR have produced a LVIA, an Ecological Assessment, an Arboricultural Assessment, a Green Infrastructure Strategy and ES chapters on landscape and ecology. Working alongside David Lock Associates, FPCR have developed appropriate landscape and ecological mitigation strategies for this 165ha site. This has included addressing the scheme’s relationship with surrounding villages and existing woodland, conserving on-site watercourses, hedgerows and mature trees, and providing a Great Crested Newt mitigation strategy. Environmental benefits are delivered through a substantial Green Infrastructure (GI) that covers some 76 ha of the site. The principles for this multifunctional GI, which includes sports, parks and an array of landscape habitats, are contained within FPCR’s Green Infrastructure Strategy.