FPCR is pleased to announce Dorset Council’s approval for the outline planning permission for the development of 45 new dwellings and the widening of Shillingstone Lane.
FPCR provided ecology services for the project, carrying out the required protected species surveys with professional efficiency and advising ecological enhancements in-line with the Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal Scheme.
Included in the recommendations required to satisfy the Dorset Council Biodiversity Appraisal process was the restoration of the Cookwell Brook corridor with species-rich wildflower grassland, removal of the overgrown scrub covering the brook to encourage redevelopment of riparian habitat as well as additional planting and restoring of species-rich hedgerows. These planned mitigation and enhancements improve the site for the protected species that were identified on site by the FPCR over the course of baseline ecological surveys and include dormice, amphibians and reptiles.
FPCR’s contribution to the project team has resulted in success for our client, Lone Star Planning who are now marketing the site to housebuilders in the local area. The green infrastructure and proposed ecological enhancements will benefit both local wildlife and increase the wellbeing of future residents in the long term.