Expert Witness and Public Inquiry
FPCR have provided expert witness advice over many years for a wide range of development projects from residential development, to employment and distribution parks to surface mining sites and windfarms at planning appeal and Local Plan inquiries.
Over the last three years alone we have successfully provided expert evidence at over 60 planning appeals, leading to consent of over 7000 new homes. Our evidence is based on a robust analysis of the site and its context and always demonstrates the environmental benefits that FPCR incorporate into any scheme design. We regularly work with leading counsel from Chambers in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds. Expert witness advice at Planning Inquiries is currently provided by the following members of our team:
Landscape and Visual Impact, Urban Design and Masterplanning:
Phil Rech, Gary Holliday, Tim Jackson, Keith Nye, Brett Coles, Elizabeth Fry
Dr Suzanne Mansfield, Peter Hoy, Kurt Goodman
Helen Kirk
Other members of our senior team also provide expert advice at planning hearings.