Environmental Statement Coordination
FPCR has been coordinating the production of Environmental Impact Assessments since the regulations came into force in 1988, and has completed EIAs for mixed use, residential, employment and highway schemes.
We regularly request screening and scoping opinions, and our approach is always one of simplifying the process as far as possible, to produce simple to understand Environmental Statements, avoiding unnecessary work and expense, focusing on the relevant issues. We produce None Technical summaries to aid understanding of the main issues by the general public.
Our assessment work can be supported by specific techniques such as the production of computer generated Zones of Visual Influence, and Photomontages where required. We coordinated the EIA for the replacement of the facilities at the Snowdon summit, and the statement was produced in English and Welsh. Photomontages were used to illustrate the likely appearance of the new facilities, and the EIA process assisted in determining the most environmentally way of completing the construction process.