At the Branch’s recent AGM, Principal Landscape Architect Katharine Schofield was elected as the new Chair of the Landscape Institute East Midlands. Katharine has been actively involved with the Committee since she joined FPCR in 2008, and served for 4 years as East Midlands Representative on the LI’s Advisory Council. She is currently a directly elected member of Council, and Chair of its Appointments and Selections Committee.
LIEM held their AGM at the new Gedling Country Park in Nottingham on 18th April. This event was combined with a presentation on the development of the Park by the Via East Midlands Project Team and Gedling Borough Council, and an evening walk around the 580 acre restored colliery site which perfectly coincided with the excellent weather!
Other new members of the LIEM Branch committee also include FPCR Landscape Graduate Sophie Entwisle, who joins as Secretary.