FPCR have had two recent successes at Appeal, with housing proposals approved for Gladman Developments in Chinnor, Oxfordshire, and Stowupland, Suffolk.
The Chinnor project for 89 new homes was situated on the north eastern edge of the settlement, and was visible from the Chiltern Hills AONB, which abuts the village to the south, forming a distinctive wooded escarpment. The Inspector took the view that the proposed development would be not be seen as anything more than another part of Chinnor, in its context as a large village within an expansive open landscape. He also concluded that FPCR’s masterplan would ensure an acceptable transition to the countryside beyond. Giles Cannock was advocate for Gladman Developments, with Dianna Richardson giving planning evidence.
Stowupland consisted of an extensive site on the north eastern edge of the village, capable of accommodating up to 175 new homes together with extensive green infrastructure. FPCR had gone to significant lengths to prepare a responsive masterplan that protected vistas from the local footpath network across to the distinctive copper spire of the listed Church of the Holy Trinity, and to ensure that a robust buffer would be created along the extended settlement edge, creating linkages through to Mr Allard’s farm shop and Post office, which lies to the north east. In granting consent, the Inspector tied development at reserved matters to be in general accordance with FPCR’s Illustrative Masterplan. Satnam Chung was advocate for Gladman Developments, with Helen Ball giving the planning evidence and Jason Clemons the heritage evidence.
Phil Rech gave the environmental and design evidence in both cases.