FPCR is pleased to announce the approval of outline planning permission, at appeal, for a residential development of up to 84 dwellings with associated public open space and infrastructure in Ambrosden, Oxfordshire, submitted on behalf of Gladman Developments.
Dr Suzanne Mansfield, FPCR Ecology Director, appeared as Ecological Witness for the Appellant at inquiry. The ecological case centred around the Council’s claim that the Appellant’s Ecological Appraisal provided insufficient detail to demonstrate that a net gain in biodiversity was achievable and that insufficient surveys had been carried out to demonstrate that the development would not cause unacceptable harm to Great Crested Newts.
However, the Councils statement of case indicated that its concern regarding a net gain in biodiversity could be dealt with by the imposition of a condition should planning permission be granted. The Appellant submitted to the Council additional survey information on Great Crested Newts, together with a mitigation strategy. A Statement of Common Ground between the Appellant and the Council confirmed that the additional information submitted provided adequate detail to confirm that survey work was completed and that the proposed mitigation strategy was adequate to meet Natural England’s standard licensing requirements. As a result, the Council agreed that the matters relating to the ecological reason for refusal had been resolved and that mitigation could be achieved through the imposition of a suitably worded condition.
View the appeal decision here.