FPCR co-ordinated the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work and prepared the Environmental Statement (ES), Masterplan and Design & Access Statement to accompany the outline planning application which gained consent in 2014. FPCR also provided specialist EIA studies including landscape & visual, ecology & nature conservation, and arboricultural studies. The proposed Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) to the west of Uttoxeter will provide 700 homes; a primary school, local centre, 10 hectares of employment use development, and public open space.
A high quality scheme is proposed appropriate to the site’s location at the urban fringe situated between Uttoxeter and the surrounding countryside extending westwards towards Bramshall.
New development will be set within a comprehensive Green Infrastructure (GI) framework which responds to and enhances features of landscape and nature conservation value. A cohesive network of open space is proposed through the proposed built development. Multifunctional GI retains existing vegetation and will also provide new trees, woodlands, hedgerows, swales, amenity and conservation grassland, and pedestrian, cycle movement routes and children’s play areas. The formal and informal open space will create a range of recreational opportunities for both the new residents and the existing local community.