FPCR are the lead designers for this sustainable Urban Development (SUE) to the west of Loughborough. FPCR also provided specialist EIA studies including landscape & visual, ecology & nature conservation, and arboricultural studies.
Our approach has been to work closely with the Clients Project team as well as Charnwood Borough Councils officers and key stakeholders such as Heritage England, Natural England, the Environment Agency County Council Highways and Highways England to ensure that the most sustainable WOL Masterplan has evolved, driven iteratively by a comprehensive base line analysis of all the environmental and heritage assets across the site and its setting.
A very high quality new place to live and work will be created for Loughborough. The existing network of landscape and biodiversity features are retained and enhanced to form an attractive setting for 3,200 homes, new schools, local centre and a 14 hectare business park. The historic Garendon Park will be restored to become a gateway public open space for the local community.
FPCRs masterplan is supported by a comprehensive Design and Access Statement (DAS) and Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Management Plan. The SUE gained planning consent in 2015 and we are currently assisting with Reserved Matters Applications.