FPCR were appointed by the Client Consortium of Nottingham City Council, NHS Nottingham and GN Lift Co to provide landscape, ecology and arboricultural services for the planning application. Once planning consent was granted FPCR were novated to the Principal Contractor, Willmott Dixon, to develop the scheme to detailed design stage and discharge the necessary planning conditions.
The practice are closely involved in the construction, working alongside Willmott Dixon as well as the design and client teams.
As part of the planning submission, FPCR produced a landscape scheme including hard and soft works, an Ecological Assessment and an Arboricultural Assessment. The practice undertook the necessary bat surveys at former buildings, subject to demolition to facilitate the development.
The Joint Service Centre (JSC) combines several community facilities under one roof, including clinical services and health care, a library, community centre, youth support and SureStart Outreach as well as a pharmacy.