The site is situated at Worthy Down in Hampshire, northeast of the town of Winchester and is an active Ministry of Defence training facility for the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. In 2014, Skanska was awarded the contract to build the new Defence College of Logistics, Policing and Administration as part of a Ministry of Defence project to upgrade the site. This will also include the building of the Head Quarters the Royal Logistic Corps, Head Quarters the Adjutants Generals Corps along with other logistic and personnel training elements of the armed forces.
FPCR Environment and Design were employed to carry out a full assessment of all trees within the camp and SFA site to BS 5837:2012 which included tagging the majority of individual stems which were accessible for identification purposes, Tree Survey plans, Tree Retention Plans and a report which included an impact assessment of the trees and the proposed layout.
As part of the project meetings also took place between FPCR, Skanska and the Tree Officer for Winchester City Council to discuss and agree arboricultural works. There is also continuing discussions regarding tree protection measures as each phase of work commences.
In total 2318 trees and 105 groups were surveyed and tagged in four days which allowed the Arboriculturist to produce an accurate report and plans to aid Skanska in developing this site successfully with respect to and retention of the majority of trees.