FPCR are the lead masterplanning, landscape, ecological and arboricultural consultants for the mixed- use 130 ha development at Bishop’s Stortford North.
The consented scheme provides up to 2,200 new homes, two Local Centres and Primary Schools, 21,000m2 of employment, and around 59 ha of multifunctional greenspace and landscape habitats.
FPCR were appointed by a developer consortium comprising, Bovis Homes, Taylor Wimpey, Persimmon, Keir and the Fairfield Partnership.
We have provided our multidisciplinary services through the outline and detailed stages of the project. For the outline application FPCR produced the ‘landscape led’ Masterplan with particular attention paid to landform, retained habitats, heritage issues, walking and cycling and urban design strategies. FPCR also produced an Illustrative Layout, a Design & Access Statement, a Green Infrastructure Strategy Document, and a series of Design Codes and Proving Layout to inform the detailed design. The practice also undertook extensive liaison with statutory consultees and local interest groups as well as providing presentations to the Council and Members. As part of the ES the practice produced a LVIA, an Ecological Assessment and an Arboriculture Assessment.
Following the granting of Outline permission conditions of approval were made covering the protection of the tree stock for the duration of the construction. To satisfy the condition an Arboricultural Method Statement was produced detailing the required tree protection measures, including protective fencing and restrictions to the extent of topsoil stripping. This was supported by a detailed Tree Protection Plan which highlighted the construction exclusion zones and position of tree protective fencing around those trees to be retained.
FPCR are working with the consortium on the reserved matters application, which includes producing the detailed landscape design and management strategies for the development.