Melton Road, Edwalton

Melton Road, Edwalton

FPCR co-ordinated the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work and prepared the Environmental Statement (ES), Masterplan and Design & Access Statement which received outline planning consent.  […]

FPCR co-ordinated the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work and prepared the Environmental Statement (ES), Masterplan and Design & Access Statement which received outline planning consent.  FPCR also provided specialist EIA studies, including landscape & visual, ecology & nature conservation, and arboricultural.  The proposed Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) on the edge of Edwalton, Nottingham will provide 1500 homes; a primary school, local centre, formal open space and Community Park.

A high quality scheme is proposed appropriate to the site’s location within Nottinghamshire’s Green Belt.  The Community Park forms a focal component of the site’s significant Green Infrastructure with the existing Sharphill Wood at its centre.  FPCR have prepared a management plan for the existing woodland to maintain and enhance the local areas existing nature conservation and recreational value.

FPCR have also prepared Design Codes for the development, the detailed design of the Community Park and the Melton Road, Edwalton Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), for Rushcliffe Borough Council.  FPCR are currently assisting Barratt Ltd and Bovis Homes Ltd with their Reserved Matters Applications.