The Lichfield City Centre Paving Enhancement Scheme was part of a strategy aimed at promoting Lichfield as Staffordshire’s Premier Cultural and Heritage City. FPCR prepared the detailed design proposals for the £1 million public realm scheme and managed the implementation of the contract works on site.
The Market Square is the focal point at the heart of the scheme and inconjunction with a series of surrounding streets they form the main pedestrian corridor through the heart of the city centre. The enhanced public realm has adopted high quality natural stone paving to create a pedestrian dominated layout, which has been emphasised by reduced carriageway widths and new low kerbs. Pop-up power units recessed into the Market Square paving are part of the improved facilities for stallholders. Reduced signage and street ‘clutter’ coupled with new large trees and street furniture have created a fresh look for the square.
The square also acts as the setting for the Grade 1 listed Dr Johnson Birthplace, which overlooks the space. This is acknowledged by a well known quote from Dr Johnson, set within an underlit public art feature surrounding his statue.