Staff from Lockington ventured away from the office today for a visit to nearby Cloud Wood. The wood is a SSSI and is owned and managed by the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust. Nathalie Cossa, LRWT Conservation Officer for the reserve led a guided walk through the woodland and the team took the opportunity to learn about the history and management of this diverse woodland, as well as undertake a bit of woodland plant ID.
The Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust aim to ‘create a Living Landscape rich in wildlife, valued and enjoyed by all.’
Our teams at FPCR frequently work together to ensure existing established habitat is retained and incorporated within development proposals and new habitat created to enhance biodiversity:
At Our York Office:
Our office in York is based at the National Agri-Food Innovation Campus which undertakes a regular Biodiversity Report and records the number of plants, birds and invert species found on the campus. Today, our team of ecologists took on the challenge of identifying as many of the recorded plant species as they could and in 30 minutes managed an impressive 63.