Consent granted at appeal for a Green Belt employment site for Garner Holdings at Denby Hall, Amber Valley. The unallocated site gained consent due to very special circumstances being demonstrated for development in the Green Belt, due to the economic benefits of the scheme.
Gary Holliday provided evidence to the appeal on Green Belt, character and appearance. Inspector Dillon concluded there would be harm to the openness of the Green Belt, but this would be “limited due to a combination of the site’s location, topography, the context of its surroundings and also the existing and proposed landscaping.” The inspector recognised that the existing undeveloped character of the site would change considerably, but noted “ The appellant has clearly demonstrated that the visual impact would be increasingly and appropriately reduced with the passage of time through well-conceived landscaping, layout and building design, including colour finishes and finished floor and building heights”.
The inspector went on to conclude “that the impact of the appeal proposal on the character and appearance of the landscape would not constitute any material harm”. The scheme included a significant area of new Green infrastructure.
Overall the scheme should safeguard 100 jobs and create over 800 further jobs in Amber valley.
The full decision can be read here.