Built for Success … Lubbesthorpe Wins Award!


New Lubbesthorpe, site of the first Sustainable Urban Extension in Leicestershire, has won Infrastructure Project of the Year at the ProCon Leicestershire awards. It has been recognised for the infrastructure put in place since construction began, including a new bridge over the M1 and new road network and a sustainable urban drainage scheme including ponds and public open spaces.

FPCR continue to provide landscape, ecology and arboricultural services as well as previously co-ordinating the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) work. The Practice also produced the Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Framework and Management Plan and the Arboricultural Assessment, along with the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Ecological Assessment and Waste Assessment for the Environmental Statement.

Phase One of the strategic employment site is largely completed, of which FPCR were appointed by ERB Drummond Estate to prepare the Green Infrastructure Package, detailed landscape design for the Reserved Matters Application including part of the community parks network and green links together with significant structural landscape planting. Around half of the 400ha site will be dedicated as green space taking the form of extensive new parklands, encompassing the Lubbesthorpe Deserted Medieval Village (a Scheduled Monument) and Lubbesthorpe Brook, as well as new informal and formal public open space, including new sports fields

New Lubbesthorpe has also been shortlisted as a finalist in the 2019 LGC Awards for best Housing Initiative nationally, with the winner announced in March.

Councillor Sheila Scott, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Housing Strategy, Economic & Community Development, said: “I am proud of the hard work and commitment of our partners and officers to ensure a sustainable development for the residents of New Lubbesthorpe and the district.