North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC) have recently approved a new outline application for 825 houses along with 8Ha of employment/commercial development together with associated green infrastructure. Working closely with St Modwen Developments and the wider multi-disciplinary team, we provided a range of environmental consultancy services. FPCR prepared the Design and Access Statement (D&AS) as well as the Landscape and Visual impact Assessment (LVIA), Ecology and Arboricultural appraisals required for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
The scheme has been subject to a range of public and other stakeholder consultations which has helped to shape the high quality masterplan to meet the needs of the local community. As part of the process, FPCR undertook presentations to the Opun Regional Design Review Panel and NEDDCs Urban Design Best Practice Group.
FPCR were able to demonstrate that the development area could be successfully expanded to the north, without eroding the separate identity of Old Tupton. An extensive area of community woodland and orchard will provide a robust northern edge to Clay Cross.
The development is well underway with the early delivery of open space, sports pitches and pavilion, along with the primary access and Marstons Pub off Derby Road.