FPCR is pleased to announce the recent approval of Cockroad Lane, Beaminster, a development providing up to 58 new dwellings, open space, recreational facilities and a sustainable drainage system.
Two statutory sites were located within 10km and 16 local designated sites within 2km, in addition, several protected species were recorded nearby and on site. The Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal Scheme requires that sites that support known protected species provide a Biodiversity Appraisal accompanied by an approved Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan (BMEP) with the planning application. Through following this scheme and working closely with specialists from Dorset Council’s Natural Environment Team, we were able to clearly identify and secure mitigation and enhancement measures for the potential effects of the development.
Alongside ecology, FPCR also carried out landscape and visual related services for this project, which were of great importance due to the sites’ location within Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The development proposals were informed by the allocation guidance which had highlighted this site as being a sustainable location for new development in Beaminster. The overall landscape strategy was to minimise any adverse impact of the development, whilst protecting the existing landscape framework and creating new habitat opportunities for local fauna and flora. With this in mind, a generous belt of woodland planting was proposed along the northern boundary, as well as native species rich hedgerow, scattered tree planting, equipped play facilities and a drainage infrastructure. A number of public footpaths pass over the site, which were incorporated into the development with additional connections made to improve connectivity into the surrounding area for new and existing residents alike.
As a result of FPCR’s extensive efforts, the Dorset Planning Committee resolved unanimously to approve planning permission for Cockroad Lane, Beaminster (subject to S106). Gladman Developments Ltd can now progress towards the sale of the site.