Prologis Park Coventry

Prologis Park, Coventry

The practice prepared the masterplan and development brief for the redevelopment of the 100 Ha derelict colliery and coke works, for a mix of rail […]

The practice prepared the masterplan and development brief for the redevelopment of the 100 Ha derelict colliery and coke works, for a mix of rail served B1, B2, B8 and residential land uses. A new road and refurbished rail link were constructed into the site, and the layout was designed to encourage modal shift. A 21 ha Country Park was also provided to protect existing features of environmental value and to safeguard the open area between the site and neighbouring green belt settlements. The practice prepared the Environmental Statement and Biodiversity Action Plan for the £100 million scheme.

The country park is managed to enhance its biodiversity including appropriate grassland and hedgerow management.  Several derogation licences have been received from Natural England for this site to allow the phased translocation of a great crested newt population from within development plots to a specifically designed great crested newt reserve.  Monitoring is still on going on this site providing us with over 15 years worth of data and the results indicate that the site supports a moderate population of great crested newts.