Located on the eastern edge of Kirkby in Ashfield, near M1 J28, this 144ha Sustainable Urban Extension will comprise up to 1800 new homes, a 6ha business park, a relief road and a 50ha Community Park with excellent connectivity with the countryside beyond. FPCR have been involved with the site since 2010, and have been responsible for Masterplanning and Environmental Assessment, including Environment Statement Coordination, Ecological Assessment and Landscape & Visual Assessment. The practice have produced a Design and Access Statement for the site as a whole, and a separate statement for the Kirkby Cross Conservation Area. FPCR produced a detailed public realm layout for the Kirkby Cross area, as part of a hybrid planning application. The Illustrative Masterplan is strongly based upon Garden Village design principles, and incorporates strong green links which connect the development with the proposed Community Park.

Mowlands, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
Located on the eastern edge of Kirkby in Ashfield, near M1 J28, this 144ha Sustainable Urban Extension will comprise up to 1800 new homes, a […]