An application for outline planning consent has been submitted to Coventry City Council for the new Sustainable Urban Extension north-west of Coventry.
The application is for delivery of up to 2625 new homes (including an Extra Care element), circa 10 hectares of B1, B2 and B8 employment land, a District Centre, Local Centre and two-form entry Primary School set within a strong framework of green infrastructure which retains the majority of the site’s well established hedgerows and trees. Major green spaces are also proposed along the central Slipperside Brook; a key asset of the site which is integral to the masterplan and ‘sense of place’.
FPCR have provided landscape, ecology and arboriculture services including Masterplanning, LVIA, Environmental Statement co-ordination, Phase1 habitat and protected species surveys as well as a comprehensive tree assessment. The practice also prepared the Design and Access Statement which forms part of the planning submission as well as exhibition material for public consultation held during early summer.
The development will ultimately form an important gateway into Coventry when approaching the city from the A45.