Expanding team at Dorking move to Larger Office


On the 30th April the Dorking Team moved premises a couple of metres across the courtyard to the larger office of Studio 2, Dunley Hill Court. The continued growth of work for ecology and landscape architecture has seen the office increase from four members of staff in 2014 to eleven in 2018, with opportunities for future expansion possible. The success of FPCR in the south east is a result of the continued commitment of the staff to high standards of work and client satisfaction, this has led to a diverse range of projects of varying size and locations.

The Dorking ecology team has also employed two seasonal ecologists, Yasmine Kharroubi and Olly Sayers, to help with the increase in demand for great crested newts and bat survey work, but also a number of translocation projects for reptiles and amphibians. It is so busy that not many members of staff are currently in the office, or using that as an excuse to avoid a photograph!

There are future plans for Leo Phillips, Principal Landscape Architect, to recruit a Graduate Landscape Architect to help with the masterplanning and landscape design in the south east. If you are interested or know of anyone that is keen to work in an exciting and growing office, then please send your CV to applications@fpcr.co.uk