Tim has experience working on a wide range of landscape design and environmental projects across the UK. Particular areas of expertise include Capacity Studies, Landscape & Visual Impact Assessments, Masterplans, Design & Access Statements, Design Codes, Urban Design Frameworks, Proving Layouts, Reserved Matters Layouts and detailed public realm design.
Most recently, Tim has developed the designs for a new Garden Village consisting of 1800 dwellings and 25 hectares of employment-generating uses at Clowne, North Derbyshire. He has been responsible for Masterplanning, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and Proving Layout and Design Code work at major urban expansion schemes including Shrewsbury South, Aylesford, Kent and Gateford North, Nottinghamshire.
He has also led on the detailed landscape design for residential and mixed use schemes such as Cawston Extension Rugby, IKEA Reading, and has designed the public realm from conceptual ideas through to construction for the Stourbridge Campus at Birmingham Metropolitan College.