Steve has over twenty-four years of extensive experience in bat biology, ecology and survey methodology and has fourteen years’ experience in consultancy. He graduated from a postgraduate degree in environmental consultancy with training and experience in ecology and the consultancy sector, he joined FPCR in 2011. Steve has experience of a range of ecological projects with a special interest in ultrasound analysis, cave ecosystems and ancient woodland ecology.
Steve holds Natural England licences for bats (levels 3 & 4, earned recognition and mitigation class licence) with extensive practical experience of all bat survey and monitoring methods, great crested newt and barn owl. He has completed the LANTRA CS38 Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue course which enables him to undertake climbing inspections of trees for bat roosts as part of the FPCR aerial assessment team. Steve also has survey experience of other protected species including water voles, newts, badgers and reptiles and has completed training in Level 2 Emergency First Aid at Work.
Written experience comprises of the preparation and completion of bat mitigation strategies and other protected species reports for development and planning. Other experience comprises the preparation of Natural England licence applications in relation to bats, the creation of ArcGIS and QGIS maps and extended phase I assessment reports.
Steve currently manages the company’s fleet of 250+ bat detector units, its in-house sound analysis team and advanced bat survey technique projects with past bat trapping projects in Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Leicestershire, south Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Sussex and Wiltshire.
Steve produces BatChat, the award-winning Bat Conservation Trust podcast as well as running training courses for the Bat Conservation Trust in the use of QGIS and was one of the organisers for the UK’s first Autumn Swarming Bat Conference which took place in September 2017. In 2023 he was awarded the Pete Guest Award for his outstanding practical contribution for bat conservation.