Jude has over 15 year’s postgraduate experience in ecological consultancy and management, responsible for co-ordinating and undertaking a wide range of ecological survey and assessment work and currently working on several large-scale complex SUE and employment projects at varying stages of the planning process, as well as range of smaller single-phase projects. An experienced project manager, Jude works on a wide range of multi-phase complex residential and employment projects and smaller projects with a variety of client consortiums, national and local developers. She has a sound understanding of nature conservation law and policy to help advise clients effectively.
Jude is involved in all aspects of projects, from initial survey and assessment to identify the constraints and opportunities presented by a site, using this to inform design, biodiversity net gain and faunal mitigation strategies, working with clients through the planning process, to the subsequent implementation of mitigation post planning consent. She has extensive experience of liaising and negotiation with Local Planning Authorities, Wildlife Trusts, statutory bodies such as Natural England, the Environment Agency and DEFRA, particularly with regards to the required input into EIA’s, Habitats Regulations Assessments, habitat creation and management plans and licensing.
Areas of particular interest include Phase I habitat surveys and botanical surveys and analysis, habitat creation and management. Substantial experience of field surveys, habitat assessment and mitigation for a range of protected species includes badgers, great crested newts, reptiles, water vole and otter and bats.