David has over 18 years of experiences, which he started as a graduate shortly after completing his Wildlife Management MSC at Reading University. David began as an assistant at FPCR in 2004 and has worked his way up the career ladder to an Associate Director. In his earlier years David was the on site ecologist for the large development at Dartford where he stationed for three years, he undertook daily surveys/trapping for protected species and undertook mitigation and compensation habitat creation for water voles, reptiles, bats and birds.
David’s main responsibility now is providing expertise in a range of protected species ranging from bats to great crested newts, and ensuring that projects conform to the implications of the Conservation of Habitat and Species Regulations 2019 (Amendment)(EU Exit) and the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). David has also been involved in ensuring that the regional office is ready for the implementation of the Environment Act (2021), which involves the use and interpretation of the ever evolving Biodiversity Net Gain calculations by DEFRA.
Key roles include the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments, protected species reports for development and planning, Natural England European Protected Species License Applications, Method Statements, Mitigation Strategies, Landscape and Ecological Management Plans (LEMP), Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPS), Proofs of Evidence and site specific Habitat Regulation Assessments (HRAs).
David leads the south east office based in Dorking Surrey, where he is surrounded by a diverse range of ecologists, that have a wealth of experience to help FPCR achieve the high standard for survey and report assessments, for which they are known for.