After completing his post-graduate course in Landscape Architecture at the University of Sheffield, Daniel joined the team at FPCR, and has over 16 years of experience in landscape design, masterplanning, urban design, environmental assessment, project implementation, and management strategies. He has been appointed as a High Streets Task Force Expert, delivering bespoke advice to local authorities for high street regeneration schemes.
Daniel has designed some exciting and complex landscape and public realm schemes, and managed their implementation on site. These include the £1 million public realm enhancement to Lichfield City Centre, the creation of Little Darters Wildlife Adventure Area near Lincoln, and designing the public realm and two roof terraces for Nottingham Trent University’s flagship building at their City Campus. He was also responsible for developing initial design proposals for The Spot in Derby, working alongside a multi-disciplinary team, including artists. Little Darters Wildlife Adventure Area won the LGN Street Design Award in 2010, and Lichfield City Centre received a Commendation at the 2009 Southern Staffordshire Partnership Design Awards.
Daniel has gained significant experience leading major Sustainable Urban Extension schemes, often providing environmental statement coordination, as well as masterplanning. Most recently, Daniel has developed the designs for a 52 hectare scheme at North-East Malvern for 800 dwellings and 10 hectares of employment-generating uses. He has been responsible for masterplanning, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Environmental Statement coordination at Mowlands in Kirkby in Ashfield, and Lindhurst in Mansfield.
Environmental Assessment is another key area of expertise. Daniel has developed in-house methodology on the preparation of photomontages and visualisation, to aid visual assessment studies. Daniel has prepared photomontages for a number of large schemes, including East Midlands Rail Freight Interchange, and has written Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments for a number of large Sustainable Urban Extensions.
Daniel was worked on a number of Landscape Characterisation projects, and has helped prepare district-wide Landscape Character Assessments for Bassetlaw district and South Kesteven district.
Daniel has worked on a number of planning appeals, writing proofs of evidence and giving evidence at hearings.