Bob Simpson




B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc., Ph.D.

Professional Memberships
  • Full Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM)
  • Management (MCIEEM)
  • Licensed Bat Worker (NE & CCW)
  • Great Crested Newt Licence Holder (NE & CCW)
  • Great Crested Newt Low Impact (GCNLICL) Licence Holder

Bob has over 15 year’s post-doctorate experience in ecology/ecological management working with numerous protected species and habitats within the United Kingdom. He has previous experience in Planning Development Control. Bob is experienced in project management requirements, client and contractor liaison from small to large-scale projects from initial survey, through detailed design and the planning process to ongoing mitigation implementation following granting of planning consent.

Specialising in the preparation of Natural England European Protected Species Development Licence Applications for Great Crested Newts, Bob also has extensive experience in the preparation of protected species reports for development and planning, Ecological Impact Assessments, Method Statements and Mitigation Strategies. Holder of Natural England and Countryside Council for Wales Science and Education Licences for Great Crested Newts (14 years) and Bats (14 years) with extensive surveying experience. As a licensed bat worker, Bob has over 14 years’ experience of undertaking emergence/roost surveys, transects, trapping, handling and visual inspections of buildings and trees for suitability as roost sites.