Having joined FPCR in 2005, Andrew has extensive ecological consultancy experience across a range of sectors including residential and commercial and leisure developments as well as mineral extraction, waste management and renewable energy sectors. A driving force in the establishment of FPCR’s regional York office, Andrew leads the team on projects across the northern counties of England, Scotland and north Wales.
His pragmatic approach to project management is well received by clients and particularly suits schemes of a more complicated nature. These skills have been applied from projects at a strategic level to detailed planning and beyond. Andrew’s written experience is broad including sustainability appraisals, extended Phase 1 habitat reports, environmental statement chapters, shadow habitat regulation assessments and appropriate assessments, protected species licence preparation, method statements, management plans, detailed protected species reports and mitigation strategies, remediation and restoration schemes, and plan production.
Whilst an experienced generalist in the field Andrew has developed a specialism in water vole survey and mitigation having designed and successfully implemented a growing number of complex trapping and translocation schemes. In addition, Andrew is a holder of a water vole class license in England which allows him to undertake small scale water vole displacements to facilitate development.
Andrew is also licenced to survey for bats and great crested newts.