Nottingham 26 is a joint venture for First Industrial and IM Properties, comprising up to 802,100sqft of B2 and B8 employment, with integrated office space. The site is located on the A610 at Eastwood, near M1 J26.
FPCR has worked on the employment site over a period of 12 years, undertaking ecological surveys & reporting, and delivering a full range of landscape design services (from initial concept, through to detailed design). FPCR worked alongside a multi-disciplinary team, that included BWB, who prepared detailed designs for the infrastructure, incorporating a new roundabout on the A610.
Detailed landscape proposals incorporated ecological habitats, such as ponds and hibernacula hedgerow, and sought to deliver a comprehensive landscape framework within which the buildings would sit, thus helping them to assimilate with their wider setting.
The whole scheme has outline planning consent, and a number of buildings have reserved matters approval.