FPCR are the environmental and masterplanning consultants, for a major 143 ha mixed use development on the northern edge of Bridgwater. A complex and ecologically sensitive site, consent has been granted for 2,000 new homes, a Primary School, and Local Centre. The proposal also includes 30ha of employment use, to include a new Regional Distribution Centre for Wm Morrisons Supermarket plc.
The practice prepared and coordinated the Environmental Impact Assessment, the Masterplan, the Design & Access Statement, and the Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Strategy. FPCR liaised with Sedgemoor District Council on the “Vision for Bridgwater”, as well as working closely both with the Council and Natural England during the application process.
The practice provided landscape services to include a LVIA as part of the Morrison Regional Distribution Centre. This is now operational and, in accordance with the aspirations of the local planning authority, forms a distinctive landmark building alongside the M5 corridor.
To facilitate development of the Morrison Distribution Centre, FPCR worked closely with Natural England’s licensing department to obtain the first license to translocate GCN using the ‘exceptional circumstance’ route. Over 450 GCN’s were cleared from land affected by the development into a reserve area comprising new ponds, hibernacula, species rich grassland and native species scrub planting. Subsequently, population monitoring has confirmed the translocation was a success with the population increasing from a ‘small’ to ‘large’ population.