Tom began work as an Arborist carrying out both commercial and domestic tree surgery work for over five years before moving into the consultancy sector.
He regularly carries out tree surveys and impact assessments in accordance with British Standard 5837 (2012) and is considered highly experienced in the field of planning and development in respect of trees. He has worked on a wide range of residential and commercial schemes, to ensure successful retention and integration with trees.
Tom also uses his practical experience and knowledge to closely liaise and supervise a range of activities across sites where the protection of trees is critical. These can range from marking trees for retention or removal, positioning tree protection fencing or the supervision of no dig construction in accordance with the relevant Arboricultural Method Statements.
As a Lantra qualified Professional Tree Inspector, Tom has experience with tree condition and hazard assessment providing work and management recommendations. These can range from individual tree assessments to residential developments or country estates.
With a NPTC Tree Climbing qualification, Tom forms part of FPCR’s Tree Climbing Team and performs numerous aerial inspections of trees across a range of projects to assess for the presence of or suitability for bats. Tom also holds a Level 4 Natural England bat class licence with practical experience of all survey and monitoring methods, Tom assists in trapping on various projects requiring advanced bat survey techniques. Past trapping projects for FPCR have included sites in Leicestershire, Wiltshire and Sussex.