Ed Feetham





Professional Memberships
  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (MCIEEM)Licensed Bat Worker (NE)
  • Great Crested Newt Licence Holder (NE)

Ed has over thirteen years post graduate consultancy experience including a wide range of field survey types and project sizes. His work includes survey planning and design, survey implementation, ongoing project management, mitigation, licensing, method statements and aftercare such as monitoring. Ed’s projects vary from small scale developments and renovation/maintenance, to large scale housing and development projects.

He has experience in a variety of survey types including bats, great crested newts, reptiles, badgers, and botanical assessment. Specifically, Ed has held Natural England bat and great crested newt survey licences for over ten years and is experienced in a range of survey techniques and mitigation for these species.

Ed’s written experience includes preliminary ecological assessments, detailed species reports, environmental statements, method statements, protected species licences, and detailed method statements.