Planning Consent Granted in Barnack

Barnack Village

Planning consent has been granted this week, on appeal for up to 80 dwellings at Uffington Road Barnack, a historic limestone village between Peterborough and Stamford.

FPCR produced the Design and Access Statement, and completed the landscape, ecology and arboricultural work on behalf of Gladman Developments. Gary Holliday gave evidence at the planning appeal. Peterborough Council opposed the scheme and gave evidence on landscape, including calling into question the effectiveness of landscape planting. The inspector in his decision noted:

The growth rates suggested by Mr Holliday did not seem exaggerated or unachievable, and the proposed planting would be effective in moderating the appearance of development in the landscape.” endorsing the evidence on plant growth rates submitted by FPCR.

The inspector also stated;

the Appellant’s assessment of the impacts as presented by Mr Holliday at the Inquiry are fair and reasonable, and the limited harm identified in terms of landscape and visual impact is a matter to be balanced against any benefits that would flow from the development.”

The full decision can be read here.