Excellent news that the Northampton Gateway Strategic Rail Freight Interchange received its Development Consent Order (DCO). The proposals were signed off by the transport secretary in line with the Planning Inspectorate’s recommendations and FPCR is delighted to have been part of the successful team working with Roxhill/SEGRO on this Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).
Since 2013 FPCR has been heavily involved, culminating in the application being submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in May 2018 and accepted for examination on 15 June 2018. Following an examination during which the public, statutory consultees and interested parties were given the opportunity to give evidence to the Examining Authority, a positive recommendation was made to the Secretary of State on 09 July 2019. In addition to Landscape and Ecology Directors Tim Jackson and Peter Hoy provided expert advice and supporting evidence to the Examining Authority on behalf of the developers.
FPCR undertook landscape & visual, ecology & nature conservation and arboricultural services for this major employment development and were instrumental in helping to shape the proposals for this 290ha scheme. The proposed development of the strategic rail freight interchange includes significant Green Infrastructure package, that will assimilate the Rail Freight Interchange, minimise potential adverse environmental effects and seek to maximise opportunities for environmental enhancements.