John Mellor




B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc., Dip Arb L4 (ABC)

Professional Memberships
  • Field Identification Skills Certificate Level 4 (Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland)
  • Natural England Level 2 Great Crested Newt Licence Holder (CL08 & CL09)
  • Natural Resources Wales Great Crested Newt Licence Holder
  • Arboricultural Association Technician Member - TechArborA
  • Professional Tree Inspection (Lantra)
  • VALID Tree Risk Benefit Assessment Validator
  • CSCS Managers and Professionals card

John comes from an Environmental Sciences background having graduated from the University of Plymouth with a Master’s degree in Environmental Consultancy, where he focused on both terrestrial and marine ecology.

John began his career with FPCR as a seasonal Assistant Ecologist in 2014, and is now an experienced Consultant with a particular interest in habitat surveying (e.g. Phase 1 and NVC) and management. John also conducts and coordinates specialist ecology surveys for birds, amphibians, reptiles and UK mammals. Shortly into his career John completed a Diploma in Arboriculture, and established the arboriculture team in FPCR’s south west regional office in Exeter.

John is now actively involved in the ecology and arboriculture teams in Exeter (and across the Practice), where he utilises his knowledge to problem-solve and provide effective and pragmatic advice for both disciplines. John leads on a range of projects, in particular medium to large, multi-phased development schemes. John is adept at survey design and all aspects of project management, and a competent user of GIS and AutoCAD software. He prides himself in communication and liaison with clients and consultees in his dual roles within ecology and arboriculture.